Displaying 1 - 30 of 128 in total
The Poetic Future of Youth Ministry
NotebookLM Prompt:Target youth pastors working in traditional churches. Focus on the future of identity formation as reflected in poetry, and how they can help kids ex...
Ultimate Questions (Season Finale, Ch. 3 of 3)
What spiritual disciplines may help us break our destructive relational patterns faster?Written CovenantsSubmission (not necessarily to our wives)JournalingTwo Bonus d...
Ultimate Questions (Season Finale, Ch. 2 of 3)
Is "relational connection" more important than "operational effectiveness"?Is our real challenge NOT that we prioritize God over people, but work over love?Can we demo...
Ultimate Questions (Season Finale, Ch. 1 of 3)
How has our left-brained thinking damaged our marriages?What can Jesus do about it?
The Rest of Intimacy
Bridging the gap between Intimacy and Impact with Incarnation, aka "procreation"10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation i...
Addicted From
What is it that truly troubles our heart?Is this disturbance actually from God, to provoke us to flee religious compliance and carnal indulgence in favor of ecstatic u...
In Dependance
How do we sustainably enter into God's rest? Is it by only doing what we see God doing?Hebrews 4
Culture Clash
What if the real war is not between "biblical" and "secular" culture, but "left-brain" WEIRD versus "right-brain" Traditional -- with neither actually on God's side?
Emotion Incarnate
Healing from “Childhood Emotional Neglect” (CEN)Childhood Emotional Neglect (as a child or teen) results in emotional disconnect and lack of emotional intelligence.In ...
Gut Check
Are we lying to ourselves?Will listening better to our Others help us find the truth?* I Told Me So: Self-Deception and the Christian Life* Living Fearless - Jamie Win...
Crazy Rich Discipleship
How do we prove to the world that we don't need the same things they want?Warning: spoiler alert for Crazy Rich Asians.“The reason my Father loves me is that I lay dow...
Culture Clash
What if the true opposition to the gospel is hidden inside our own implicit assumptions about reality?Identifying and confronting our emotional distress is essential f...
The Passion
Does Jesus -- unlike Pharisees and philosophers -- require His disciples to sacrifice our "digital abstraction of self" in order to confront the emotional distress tha...
Follower versus Disciple
During most of the gospels, the disciples wanted a king who would destroy their enemies rather than a savior who would destroy their sin. My Christ-less failure mode i...
True Freedom
Is a relationship with God about obeying His will or enjoying His presence?Or something else entirely?
Should our highest value be allowing God to rewrite our values?Can externalizing our eternal values enable us to maintain integrity while being fully emotional present...
Logoholics Anonymous
What does it mean to love our community the way Christ does his friends?The Opposite Of Addiction Is Not Sobriety – It Is Human ConnectionAnthem: Follow The Way Of Chr...
Operationalizing Discipleship
What is needed to keep growing us all closer to Jesus?Our strategy (ultimate goal) is to love (hesed) the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, ...
What does Christ think about good and evil?Is anyone more evil than "you"?https://biblehub.com/luke/11-13.htmIf you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gi...
Wise Risk
"Productive Vulnerability" as the narrative protocol to both unmask our own self-deception and reveal the power of Christ. This is the redemptive alternative to either...
Is working through "brokenness" (versus information or skill) our greatest challenge?Ernie struggles with broken audio to explain the joy of sharing/healing our broken...
Mosaic Law
What happens when the law meant to unite us ends up diving us?Is God calling us to shift from Jehu to Elisha?
Incarnational Seers
# ErnieNot wanting to incarnate into other peoples dysfunctionDo I want to heal people from their brokenness so that I can identify with them? VSAm I willing to identi...
Lonely Crusade
How do we balance the tension between:Performance: getting the job doneConformance: getting alongPrecisely by confronting those areas where we are unable to hold that ...
Decenter Civilization
# Decenter Civilization - Civilization as we know it is endemically (widely? intrinsically?) corrupt- This corruption is manifest in individuals caught up in a systemi...
Systemic Redemption (of Civilization)
What is the source of large-scale, structural evil?Is it endemic to civilization?Can civilization be reformed, or must it be transformed?# Decenter Civilization - Civi...
Peaceful See/Sea/Seat
Discussion of 5/21 Poem: Peaceful SeeRobby's Feel/Like/Observe/Wonder:F: AmbivalentL: Moving from Blindness to SeeingO: Focuses on sin withinW: Is this the ONLY way Go...
Grand Unification
How do we take responsibility without taking control? Is there a difference between Stewardship and Headship? Can we maintain cohesion without top-down compressive s...
Emotional Attachment
When we connect to God With ALL our heart, soul, mind & strengthWe will connect to our neighborAs we connect to our self
Fractal Chiastic Cloud
What would scalable relational unity actually look like?