Displaying 61 - 90 of 127 in total

Becoming Therapeutic

Ernie challenges Emiliana to forge a third path between passively ignoring a problem and merely implementation a solution

The Potter's Wheel

Ernie and Ross wrestle with how God is reshaping them through suffering with those they love

Seeking Grace

Janet shares about her ongoing session with Robby's friends and family

Finding Resonance

Ernie grills Emiliana on what exactly it might look like for her to follow God's favor

Removing the Veil

How do we create contexts for transformational encounter with the Truth?

Just The Way You Are Today

Wrestling with the tension between accepting people as they are versus helping them grow closer to Jesus

Self-Differentiating Relationships

Robby shares how Janet's DBJ shed new light on how Martha might see Jesus more clearly than Mary

DBJ SoulShift

Robby and Ernie catch up as they plan for the Communion of the Betrayed

Out of Power

Robby rejoices with Janet in the midst of perceived injustice

Two Frickin' Weeks

Janet shares her struggles, with help from Robby, to integrate supporting content into her session of DBJ while keeping the focus on Jesus

Soul Shift

Robby and Ernie explore how DBJ is shifting their perspectives on the work to be done, and vice versa

Wonders of His Love (Season 1 Jubilee)

How can we harness Information, Technique, and even Obediences as tools for Growing All Closer to Jesus?

World War LOVE

Ernie pitches Robby on LOVE as the plan for DBJ Season 2, on the road to 8.59 Billion

Two Weeks and Ten Years

Ernie pitches Robby and Brent on a decade-long effort to unify the Body of Christ -- starting in two weeks!

How to Launch a Movement

Ernie propose to Robby than they pivot from perfecting a format to co-founding a movement

Format Hackers

Ernie and Robby discuss whom to work with on evolving the DBJ format

Enter the Millennium

The DBJ user experience is "good enough." What techniques will help us scale to a million, or more?

A Learnable Moment

How can we best steward the time, grace, and frustration God (and attendees) give us?

Expanding Circuits of Grace

The Crew explores One Metric that Matters, to help us get DBJ down to just 90 minutes

Opening Weekend

Ernie and Robby rejoice on the strong turnout and powerful connections from the first two sessions

Becoming a Host

New Crew member Brent Lindquist joins to learn how DBJ differs from traditional small groups, including the importance of communion

Experience and Respond to Jesus

After the Pilot, Robby and Ernie discuss how "Discipling by Jesus" represent Him as both Savior and Lord

A Valentine's Gift for Jesus?

Could we give Jesus the gift of His followers (and leaders!) working together in unity?

The Terms of Our Discipleship

Can we build a "centered" community that helps everyone grow closer to Jesus, via Grace and Humility?

Letting Go, with David Johnson

For a change, David and Ernie argue about something they *agree* on, as The Great Reset seemingly comes to an end.

Shooting the Great Reset, with Ted Hahs

Ted takes it on the chin as Ernie discusses ending The Great Reset, and what he would like from Ted

I'm Sorry for Yelling "I'm Sorry", with David Johnson

Ernie and David seem to agree that Jesus is the answer, but struggle to find any agreement on the questions

Joining Jesus, with Robby Butler

Is the universe a playset God co-constructs with us, just so we can get to know Him more intimately?

Sorry, I Had an Epiphany (with David Johnson)

Ernie and David wrestle with the "intellectual" vs "incarnational" senses of the term 'modeling discipleship'

Jesus Lovers, with Robby Butler

What does it really mean to love Jesus, especially in terms of how we love ourselves, our Christian communities, and the larger world?

© 2023 Ernest the Sinner